Ezequiel Mastrasso

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Hasselblad 3fr/fff in Capture One

When I said goodbye to my beloved Phase One DB and PhaseOne DF, I planned to keep using Capture One as my defacto raw image editor.

In a c*nt move by Phase One, Hasselblad and Pentax medium format images cannot be edited in Capture One, they are literally filtered out by the metadata… come on Phase One!
Note: Fujifilms medium format cameras are supported in Capture One, which uses a similar sensor to the X1d and 907x50c. This leads a lot of people to believe this is a deliberate decision.


  • CaptureOneFix
    There is a thing by Alex Munoz called CaptureOneFix, for 140usd… with no returns, not much long term support, you may or may not get updates for new Capture Ones….
    (all of this stated on the site itself) Besides the price point which seems crazy high, It doesn’t sound like a good offer isn’t it?

  • Exif metadata edit
    to trick Capture One into thinking the picture is not from a Hasselblad camera or back.
    Optionally is recommended to create your own ICC profile for your camera. I haven’t done that though and colors seems accurate enough for my pictures.

There is no much options here, the first option is automatically ousted just by reading it.

So we are down to the exif edit… how is that you ask?

Preparing the tool and the shortcut

  • Download exiftool from Phil Harvery from here https://exiftool.org/

  • You can also download exiftoolGUI if you want to do it manually the first time to try

  • Rename the exiftool(-k).exe, to exiftool.exe

  • Right Click on it, “Create Shortcut”

  • Edit the Shortcut Target so it looks like this

See this content in the original post

  • For some reason, my X1D files give some minor errors, I added the argument -m to mute minor errors.

Processing the images for Capture One

  • Open Phocus

  • Select your images and export them to .DNG

  • Wait for the process to finish

  • From Windows Explorer select all the DNG files you want, and drag&drop them into the shortcut

  • Boila!

Open Capture One and you are ready to go.

Note1:Changing the exif model and make to a PhaseOne back allows you to use CaptureOne in DB license mode.
If you use it… Buy it!

Capture One ICC profile for your Hasselblad or Pentax

If you prefer to have a more proper ICC profile for your camera in CaptureOne rather than the generic one….

Check out this video from Alex Munoz