RHEL/CentOS 7.3 Bumblebee setup

This setup if for bumblebee, bbswitch, proprietary drivers (optirun) on RHEL/Centos 7.3
Although this setup is great for power management, any software that uses Nvidia driver calls that bumblebee doesn’t have bridges for will fail.
This true for only a handful of softwares, that will not work due to the driver responding the card has 0MB of VRAM:  Autodesk Maya, The Foundry Nuke, Davinci Resolve, Autodesk Mudbox

If you want to be able to run this software,  or want the nvidia drivers without any middle man, at the power consumption trade off, ditch this and check out this guide http://ezequielm.com/blog/rhelcentos-7-3-nvidia-prime-setup/

Tested on RHEL Enterprise server, on a muxed Razer Blade 2016, Nvidia GP106M [GeForce GTX 1060] (rev a1), and Intel HD Graphics 530 (rev 06).

  1. Add elrepo

  2. Enable elrepo Testing

  3. sudo yum search kmod-nvidia

  4. sudo yum install kmod-nvidiaxxxx (use the lastest version the search came up with)

  5. yum install nvidia-x11-drv-xxxxx.x86_64 (if the kmod didnt install it ,which i doubt though)

  6. Disable elrepo Testing

  7. Add epel repo

  8. download the rpm for centos7.3 for turbojpeg 1.2 (from rpmbone or such), i got 1.2.9

  9. install it (usual drill…. rpm -ivh)

  10. sudo yum install VirtualGL (this should install correctly now that you have turbo jpeg)

  11. sudo yum install bumblebee

  12. add your user to the bumblebee group

  13. do the .conf files and .desktop file from this guide

  14. restart… and it should work!

Now try running

optirun nvidia-settings -c :8.0

if it yields about permissions run it with sudo and see if it works

dmesg | grep bbswitch

this tells you if the switch daemon is up and running


xrandr, nvidia prime & cvt – how to add custom screen resolution
